2022 Endowment Report

Your decision to create or support an endowment at SAIT can be life-changing for students.
We are grateful for your trust and generosity in providing scholarships, awards and bursaries
that will have an impact for generations to come as together we help students become the leaders,
thinkers and creators that will shape the workforce of tomorrow. Thank you.

Each year we strive to provide the most up to date information about the impact you have made for SAIT students. We are excited to share this digital version of your Endowment Report. Below you will find information on your fund, along with some student stories and links to connect you to things going on at SAIT. As you will see in the video, this year saw a shift in our fiscal year (it’s now April 1 – March 31), some exciting news for distribution of student awards funds, and new measures to ensure award availability.  

With gratitude,

Tania Brandstrom, MA, CFRE
Associate Director, Development and Advancement Services

A thank you from a student

Learn more

Leave a Legacy at SAIT

A legacy gift is an extraordinary way to ensure your memory lives on and makes a profound difference in the lives of future generations of SAIT students.

1.4M in donor funded awards distributed in 2021/22

Inclusion matters Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at SAIT

4,871 Student awards (government and donor funded)

"Without this scholarship, I wouldn't have been exposed to this many opportunities for networking, making new friends and gaining new experiences."

$1,239 average student award value in 2021/22

About the Reserve Fund contribution this year

The award that Craig received while a student at SAIT made a big difference for him and his family.


Statement of Account

Endowment Performance ($ Millions)

The full value of donations received are distributed to the charitable purpose directed by our donors; no administrative costs are levied against donated funds. We take our fiscal responsibilities seriously and are proud of our track record managing fundraising costs. In 2022/23 we expect to raise $15 million at a cost of $1.75 million. This translates into a cost of $0.12 for every dollar we raise. In 2021/22 we invested $1.53 million in fundraising and raised $8.36 million.
Fund details for Endowment Performance ($ Millions)
2016/17 33.3
2017/18 36.3
2018/19 38.7
2019/20 49.7
2020/21 50.6

Student Awards ($ Millions)

We take our fiscal responsibilities seriously, and are proud of our track record in managing donor funds. In SAIT’s 2022/23 fiscal year we expect to raise $15 million at a cost of $1.75 million. This translates into a cost of $0.12 for every dollar we raise. In 2021/22 we invested $1.53 million in fundraising activities and raised $8.36 million.
Fund details for Student Awards ($ Millions)
2017/18 5.6
2018/19 5.1
2019/20 5.4
2020/21 4.8
2021/22 6.0

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

1301-16 Avenue NW, Calgary AB, T2M 0L4
(877) 284-7248



The full value of donations received are distributed to the charitable purpose directed by our donors; no administrative costs are levied against donated funds. We take our fiscal responsibilities seriously and are proud of our track record managing fundraising costs. In 2024/25 we expect to raise $20 million at a cost of $2.7 million. This translates into a cost of $0.14 for every dollar we raise. In 2023/24 we invested $2.6 million in fundraising and raised $42.3 million. The SAIT charity registration number is 107995789 RR 0001.

© 2021 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology