What is the Family Campaign?

The Family Campaign is the annual internal fundraising campaign for Faculty and Staff.

What is the purpose of the Family Campaign?

Our gifts create new opportunities for students to learn and grow, and they benefit society as a whole by better preparing students to succeed and contribute to their communities. Our gifts inspire additional support by alumni, foundations and corporations, and they help students attend SAIT to pursue their dreams.

Student Success: Your participation in the SAIT Family Campaign will bring financial relief to students, help invest in learning and student success initiatives and make a real difference in our SAIT community

Staff Engagement: It’s also an opportunity to celebrate our people, our accomplishments and our institution. Our Shout Out program provides a way for colleagues to celebrate each other in a tangible way.

Everyone at SAIT works hard to empower the next generation of SAIT students. No matter what role we play, we all contribute to student success by ensuring they receive the best education possible. 

How can I participate?

One of the simplest ways to make a difference is by signing up for payroll deductions via the attached form. Many find this to be the easiest way to make a gift, as ongoing payments allow your total gift to be broken into smaller amounts.

You can make a one-time gift through our online giving form, or you can send a shout-out to a colleague for $5 (all proceeds support a bursary for students).

You can also use #SAITPROUD

Share your own SAIT story on social media. Help spread the word about the Family Campaign and what you love about SAIT. What difference has SAIT made in your life? Why do you support SAIT? Share your story about why you give and help inspire others to follow your lead!

What areas can I support with my gift?

The regular ShoutOuts will support the Family Campaign Peer Recognition Award and the EDI ShoutOuts will support the Inclusion Matters Fund.  

You can make an additional donation to any priority fund on campus such as:

  • Employee Success:
    Regular ShoutOut purchases will go to the Family Campaign Peer Recognition Award
    Heritage Hall Centennial Fund
  • Equity, Diversion and Inclusion:
    Inclusion Matters ShoutOuts purchases will go to Inclusion Matters fund
    Metis Scholar Award
    Kohkoms Kahsagahetin Endowment Fund
  • Student Success facilitated in memory of beloved employees: 
    Grace Chantiam Memorial Award (matching up to 10K)
    Naomi Fujikawa Memorial Award

When is the Family Campaign?

The Family Campaign runs from Feb. 22 – March 31

Who do I contact if I have questions? If you have any questions about the SAIT Family Campaign call Shaunda Walsh at 403.615.6085 or email: family.campaign@sait.ca.