Be loud and proud

Spread the word about SAIT Giving Day by telling your fellow alumni, students, co-workers and community about why you support SAIT or how you’ve seen donor support impact student success. You can send an email, share on a social network or simply tell them in person. Be sure to tell them about and use #SAITGIVES to join the conversation on social. 

Not sure what to post for SAIT Giving Day? Here are some examples to get you started. 

- I give to SAIT because…  (For example, I love the student-first culture/my instructors are my family/I met life-long-friends here/it’s where I learned the hands-on skills who got me where I am today). Support student success #SAITGIVES 

- SAIT Giving Day is Oct. 5. Visit to give in support of student success! #SAITGIVES 

- It’s SAIT's 5th Giving Day. Bring on the future! #SAITGIVES - 
Help SAIT give students the best education possible! Give today at #SAITGIVES 

- Proud @SAIT employee/grad/athlete/student helping students today! #SAITGIVES  

- Supporting big ideas one student at a time! #SAITGIVES                                                              


SAIT Alumni






Sample Instagram posts 

(right click and save)




Sample Instagram and Facebook story images

(right click and save)


Sample Facebook banners

(right click and save)




Sample Twitter banners

(right click and save)




Sample LinkedIn posts

(right click and save)

Download the Social Media Toolkit

(click and save)