As a SAIT employee, now is your time to join Our Mission Is Possible forces by participating in weekly Missions. Your participation earns points for you and your School/Department: the top teams will be displayed on the landing page with results updated weekly.  At the end of the Family Campaign, top Agents and top participating teams will receive exciting prizes. Best of all, together with your colleagues, you get to make a huge difference in our SAIT community. 

Taskforce Total = Team Points + Average Team Participation (Team points + Total of points of all agents on the team divided by the number of agents). You must use your SAIT email to collect your points

Top-Secret Points. In addition to participating in weekly missions, earn premium points by participating premium activities.

Mission 5:
Polygraph Bingo

Your final mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take part in the Polygraph Bingo. To pass this test, you'll need to find out some highly confidential information about your fellow agents. We don't need to remind you to report back to the base, do we? Proceed to Team Portal.

Team Points: 25

007 For your Eyes Only

Cast your vote on the Pet Photo (Covert Critters) voting page and select the most fitting covert critter for each of the four categories. The pet agent (and its human sidekick) will stand a chance of winning a $25 gift certificate. One vote per category per employee. The contest will close on March 15, 2024. See Contest Rules and Regulations.  

Team Points: 25


Mission 4:

Activate Gratitude 

Your fourth mission, should you choose to accept it, is to cheer your colleagues on and send a ShoutOut. This is an opportunity to recognize your teammates by making a gift in their honour. Your kind words of recognition will be posted on ShoutOut Honour Roll on SAITNow. The honouree will also receive a personalized e-certificate describing why they are being celebrated.  

Send Inclusion Matter ShoutOuts to recognize those in our SAIT community who model inclusivity in action to ensure everyone feels welcomed and supports the implementation of SAIT’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.   The proceeds from the Inclusion matters  ShoutOuts will go into the Inclusion Matters Fund, while a general ShoutOut gift goes to the SAIT Opportunity Fund. Each ShoutOut is $5, and you are welcome to make additional gifts. 

Agent Points: 10 each (Sender /Recipient) 

Team Background
Use the Mission Possible background for your virtual meetings (Teams or Zoom) to earn extra points taking you closer to your maximum points.  

Team Points: 25 

Mission 3:

Your mission for this week, should you choose to accept it, is to purchase a raffle ticket to support student Trojans and the Trojan Athletic Foundation. Not only will you help provide assistance to student athletes who exhibit academic achievement and community citizenship, but you also stand the chance of winning 50% of the proceeds. Link to Raffle page. 

Agent Points: 10

Team Photo with Props

Take a team photo in with the spy kit props for some bonus points. Silly or serious—what will your team undercover image look like?

Team Points: 25

Mission 2:
Stories of the Land

SAIT recognizes the long history of the land on which our campus is situated and the First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples of Canada as traditional caretakers of the land now known as Canada. A land acknowledgement honours the Indigenous tribes who called the land home before the arrival of settlers, provides education about regional history and is an important part of reconciliation. 

Acknowledging the land should always be approached with intention and mindfulness.  Agents, this week your task is to connect with the land SAIT is situated on. 

Take a photo that best represents your relationship with the land and helps you feel connected with Treaty 7 territory (and it doesn’t have to be located on campus!). Look for a connection from your heart and seek to understand the importance of the land for all who have been and will be a part of it. Upload your image to the Portal to participate and take a moment to reflect with your team (report team progress).  

If you are wondering about ways in which you can act, like educating yourself about the territory and supporting Indigenous initiatives, check out Truth and Reconciliation Resources and connect with the Natoysopoyiis Resource Centre. You are welcome to become a monthly donor or make a one-time gift to extend “Grandmother’s love” through the Kohkoms Kahsagahetin fund (Emergency funding for Indigenous students at SAIT). 

Key points: 

  • What does the land mean to you? 
  • Lean into vulnerability 
  • Search for equity, beauty, and humility 
  • Bring the meaning of the land acknowledgment closer 
  • Develop a deep personal connection 

Team Points for reflection: 25

Agent Points: 20

Operation Generosity

Did you know that if you make a recurring gift monthly to SAIT, you can help buy textbooks for the library? Or contribute to the purchase of equipment and furniture for student use?  Monthly gifts are very important as they fund educational experiences, innovative student space and equipment upgrades.

Please consider making a monthly gift or increasing your existing commitment. Make your move on or before Feb. 29 for a chance to win one of two prizes: Ski pass for two donated by Gordon Food Services. You can make a monthly gift online using the Giving page or sign up for automatic payroll deductions by completing PDF payroll Deduction form. Contest Rules and Regulations. Contest Entry Form (not required for monthly donors).   

Agent Points: 100 (150 points for recurring gift upgrade)

Mission 1: Code Name

May day, may day, report to base, report to base, calling all agents to check in with their CEO’s. 
Your first top secret mission, should you choose to accept it, is to work together with the Agents in your School/Department to come up with your team’s code name. To activate your points, enter your Taskforce’s Name into this Top-Secret Directory Portal

Team Points: 25   

Premium tasks:

Celebrate Black Joy: An Artsy Scavenger Hunt *This Mission is now closed. 
In the spirit of collaboration, we've joined forces with the Black Empowerment and Excellence at SAIT (BEES) team to bring to you this covert assignment codename Operation Celebrate Black Joy: An Artsy Scavenger Hunt. The task, should you choose to accept, is to traverse the SAIT main campus to unravel the mysteries of our scavenger hunt. Email the BEES team for a chance to win a prize and report your participation to receive 10 agent points towards the Family Campaign

Agent Points: 10

Covert Critters in Action   *This Mission is now closed. 
Submit a photo of your secret pet agent to showcase your beloved furry friends and compete for $25 gift certificates.  

To activate your points, agents can enter one pet photo per Cat-egorie into the Covert Critters in Action. 

  • Caught in the act – naughty, sneaky or fido did what? 
  • Pet Twins  - do you and fur-baby share a resemblance?  
  • Cutest Pet – you just want to hug them because they are so darn cute! 
  • Workaholic Pet – power through, treat breaks are for the underdog.  

One submission per agent per category; limited to the first 200 photos. Proceed to Covert Critters in Action. The deadline to submit the photos is Feb 23. See Contest Rules and Regulations.

Agent Points: 5 per category