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Why Crowdfunding? 

Crowdfunding offers an inclusive, transparent, and engaging way to participate in a collective action. Create and support campaigns to realize the potential of every big idea. Together, students can transform lives, spark innovation, and leave a lasting impact on the world.

Thank you for being a part of this transformative journey. Your support and participation will shape the future, one project at a time. Let's rally behind our collective dreams and together, make the impossible possible!  

FAQ for Potential Donors

It is the action of raising a reasonable amount of funds from a large number of small donations. These gifts are usually obtained from friends and social networks with the objective to raise funds for one unique cause or project.
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• All contributions to any of the projects listed are charitable donations and will receive an official tax receipt from SAIT.
• There are no fees associated with SAIT's crowdfunding.
• All gifts will support SAIT projects and help advance research, teaching and learning.
• We offer the matching funds opportunities so your project can receive a boost of up to $2,500

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If a project does not meet its funding goal, collected funds will be used to support the current project or other initiatives within the program.
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Funds may be used for the purpose for which they were intended for an 18 month period. If funds are still unused after the 18 month period, the funds will be allocated to SAIT's highest priority at that time.
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Yes, SAIT complies with all CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) rules.
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Although it is encouraged to use our safe and secure on-line portal to make the donation, we understand that some individuals prefer to use other methods. You can send a cheque specifying the project you would like to support and including your home address for your charitable tax receipt to:


Alumni and Development

1301 16 Avenue NW
Calgary, Alberta T2M 0L4

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Please email or call 403.210.4532.
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No, SAIT offers a safe and secure website for financial transactions of all amounts.
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SAIT's main giving website accepts a variety of gifts and contributions to any of SAIT's charitable funds. Simply go to for other options or call 403.774-5214.
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Spread the Word: 
Our collective strength lies in our ability to come together. So, spread the word among your peers, colleagues, friends, and family – let them know that every contribution counts and every voice matters.  
Get Involved: 
Whether you're a visionary with a groundbreaking project or a compassionate soul committed to social change, this crowdfunding platform welcomes you. To get started, explore the exciting campaigns already in progress, or initiate your own and watch your dreams gain momentum with each donation. Contact us for more information or complete an application to launch your campaign. 
Yes. All donations made to SAIT will receive tax receipt(s) before the end of the calendar year

FAQ for Potential Project Applicants

All projects should advance learning, research and enhance the overall student experience at SAIT. This includes those projects focused on student aid, athletics, capstone projects, and travel for credit and faculty-specific initiatives. Projects that raise funds for other charities will not be accepted. SAIT is a registered charity. All submitted projects therefore must meet charitable requirements.

Interested teams must apply and be accepted. Part of the acceptance process includes confirming that their project aligns with SAIT’s giving guidelines and ethics.
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With some exceptions, accepted projects will have goals between $500 and $15,000.
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Any SAIT student, student club or faculty can submit a project for consideration. The decision to approve the project remains with the office of Alumni and Development.
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The Alumni and Development staff will polish your submissions but the more details you have in regards to the project, the easier it will be to understand the scope and meaning of the initiative.
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SAIT's Alumni and Development department will determine which projects will be added to this platform based on the above criteria and expected fundability.
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Funds will only be deposited in a restricted fund associated with your project. We will work with you and, where appropriate, a SAIT representative to ensure the funds are available to you in due time.
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A SAIT crowdfunding campaign takes from 8-12 weeks, depending on readiness.
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Talk to your friends, family and networks about your upcoming project. Let them know you will be looking for support. Prepare your team so that everyone is aware of what the fundraising process will look like and who will be responsible for what parts of the campaign.


Share your project with friends, family and anyone else who you know! Use a variety of channels - social media, word of mouth, emails and even letters.


Keep the project alive with updates on how the project is going, videos, testimonials, and especially news of how the project or event went.


Make your own personal gift to support your project. It will be easier to ask others to give when you have already given. Remember the 30% rule. It is recommended that for any good fundraising campaign (including crowdfunding) you try to raise at least 30% of your goal before you launch publicly.


This is important! Once your project is completed make sure you thank your supporters. When you have reached your financial goal or the end of the campaign, keep SAIT, your social network and your supporters updated on the success of your initiative. A great thank you is the most important part of any fundraising campaign - they may end up being a supporter for your project next year!

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If you have questions or would like more details, you are welcome to email or call 403.210.4532.

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

Address: 1301-16 Avenue NW, Calgary AB, T2M 0L4 | Phone Number: 1.877.284.7248




The full value of donations received are distributed to the charitable purpose directed by our donors; no administrative costs are levied against donated funds. We take our fiscal responsibilities seriously and are proud of our track record managing fundraising costs. In 2024/25 we expect to raise $20 million at a cost of $2.7 million. This translates into a cost of $0.14 for every dollar we raise. In 2023/24 we invested $2.6 million in fundraising and raised $42.3 million. The SAIT charity registration number is 107995789 RR 0001.