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Crowdfunding: Let's join hands in empowering you!

We are thrilled to invite you to be a part of this extraordinary opportunity to ignite change, create innovation, and make dreams come true. We are introducing to you the possibility of hosting a crowdfunding page, specially designed to bring students exciting ideas and plans to life!  At SAIT, we believe in the power of collective action and the strength of our community. With this crowdfunding initiative, we aim to help you harness your potential as students to address critical challenges, amplify creativity, and enrich learning experiences like never before. 

What is Crowdfunding? 

Crowdfunding is a way to raise funds for a specific cause or project by asking a large number of people to donate money, usually in small amounts, and usually during a relatively short period of time, such as a few months. Crowdfunding is done online, often with social networks, which make it easy for supporters to share a cause or project cause with their social networks.  Some of the best-known crowdfunding sites are GoFundMe, Kiva, Kickstarter, and Indiegogo, but hundreds, if not thousands, of sites exist.

This SAIT crowdfunding site allows you to:

  • Set up a page to describe, promote, and post updates about your project, especially with video  
  • Accept online donations
  • Easily share projects on social media networks 
  • Host projects and campaigns that advance learning, research and enhance the overall student experience at SAIT
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Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

Address: 1301-16 Avenue NW, Calgary AB, T2M 0L4 | Phone Number: 1.877.284.7248




The full value of donations received are distributed to the charitable purpose directed by our donors; no administrative costs are levied against donated funds. We take our fiscal responsibilities seriously and are proud of our track record managing fundraising costs. In 2024/25 we expect to raise $20 million at a cost of $2.7 million. This translates into a cost of $0.14 for every dollar we raise. In 2023/24 we invested $2.6 million in fundraising and raised $42.3 million. The SAIT charity registration number is 107995789 RR 0001.