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Adopt A Trojan

Year after year our Trojans athletes demonstrate their strong character through the three pillars of being a SAIT Trojan student athlete – academic success, athletic excellence and community citizenship.  We take pride in our student athletes; their courage, determination and spirit helps inspire the entire SAIT community including staff, students and alumni.  Thank you for contributing to their success!

With your support, our athletes graduate not only with certification in their academic pursuits, but with priceless lessons and life experiences in leadership, responsibility and volunteerism. 


The full value of donations received are distributed to the charitable purpose directed by our donors; no administrative costs are levied against donated funds. We take our fiscal responsibilities seriously and are proud of our track record managing fundraising costs. In 2024/25 we expect to raise $20 million at a cost of $2.7 million. This translates into a cost of $0.14 for every dollar we raise. In 2023/24 we invested $2.6 million in fundraising and raised $42.3 million. The SAIT charity registration number is 107995789 RR 0001.


Courage Determination Spirit




1301-16 Avenue NW - Calgary AB, T2M 0L4
Toll-free: 1.888.284.8399

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